State of the Art Technology for Diagnosis and Treatment
The image on top (to the left) was taken with the newest of technologies, CariVu, to assist in diagnosing the existence of decay or fractures in teeth at the earliest of stages. Having this diagnostic tool allows for the most conservative of treatment and early detection. The image was attained by transmitting an infrared light (with no radiation) through the tooth. This trans-illumination captures an image that is generated to our dental software program. The dark shadow highlighted by the pink box in this top image indicates decay that was undetectable in a traditional two dimensional X-ray (right pink box shown beneath it). The traditional digital X-ray does not reveal this same decayed area on the right side of the tooth (the pink box on the right side of the middle picture). The two dimensional dental X-ray only reveals a decayed area on the left side of the tooth (the dark shadow inside the pink box on the left side of the middle picture). In this case the area inside that left pink box was correctly treated by the dentist. However without being able to visualize any condition inside right pink box (without the aid of CariVu) the “invisible” decay on the right was left untreated. As with any medical or dental condition, the earlier a condition is diagnosed the more conservative and comprehensive the treatment can be.
As you can see from the photograph, the CariVu Detection device is a streamlined infrared imaging system that captures its image by gripping the tooth in question with soft rubber sleeves. This very effective diagnostic aid only takes seconds to use but helps us to determine whether or not observations found through clinical examination and X-rays actually require treatment.
CBCT (Cone-Beam Computed Tomography)
We have the most up to date 3-D Cone Beam technology to assist in diagnosing existing conditions that cannot be interpreted with traditional 2-Dimensional dental X-ray images. Often times a disease process exists which is difficult to determine with traditional means. We have the latest and most comprehensive 3-D imagery technology available to help us evaluate and diagnose these conditions. Our state of the art CBCT technology often requires less than 10 seconds and the radiation dosage is up to a hundred times less than that of a regular CT scanner. With this advanced imagery we can discover such conditions as teeth that may be fractured. The imagery will also help reveal areas that cannot be examined clinically but that are presenting concern or discomfort to our patients.
We can also use the CBCT technology to map a patient’s airway for our patients with sleep related breathing disorders, or Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), This imaging provides us with an anatomical evaluation of your normal airway in an awake state and can help us in diagnosing why patients may have a sleep related breathing disorder. Although this image is taken while you are sitting and awake it does provide an analysis of your airway’s “starting point” and normal anatomy. When you sleep you are usually laying down and your muscles relax changing the airway structure and its opening. Because of this we will often also utilize Acoustic Oral Pharanygometry to supplement our evaluation. This diagnostic testing uses sound waves to measure your airway as it collapses in a more active and dynamic state. Additionally, the Cone Beam will provide an image of your nasal anatomy and possible obstructions encountered when breathing through your nose. To verify this we utilize an Acoustic Rhinometer (nasal sound wave imaging) to evaluate how easily air passes through each nostril. All of these diagnostic resources give us the most state of the art and comprehensive methods for diagnosing and evaluating our patients.
Digital Impression Scanner
We have the most Accurate and Newest Digital Impression Technology available, Prime Scan, which can often replace the need for in mouth impressions. With our scanner we generate digital imaging which also allows us to create computer generated Orthodontic Treatment similar to Invisalign. Watch the video below to get a glimpse at how it works.
With our State of the Art Digital Scanner we are able to capture images of the teeth to the absolute highest level of detail and accuracy. With the wave of a wand this often eliminates the need to take in the mouth impressions. For any patient that is anxious to have impression material in their mouth due to a strong gag reflex this is a dream come true!
Digital Dental X-Rays
We utilize digital dental radiographic technology which reduces exposure to radiation by approximately 15%-22% of traditional dental X-rays taken with film. Aside from the significant reduction in exposure time, the results of the image taken are seen within seconds and this also prevents the need to use developing solutions which are harmful to the environment.
WHY 3-D?